
She has Two Hands

Friday, September 09, 2005

Child’s play. That’s what happened in the impeachment complaint hearing. Completely child’s play – a simple numbers game. Is the government laid in the mercy of mere numbers? Or is it still TRUTH that reigns the nation? The culprit has two hands stuck out to us.

One is the left hand of reconciliation. That is, at least, what she said. However, as long as I am concerned, that hand has gloves – rubber gloves (because, she’s to CLEAN up her mess, she’s going to UN). Along with it is the infuriating hypocrisy that she’s happy to RECONCILE. Of course, the heck, no! No dragon would leave his prey alive. Of course, she’s going to slap that hand that she stuck out to us… to let us feel WE LOST… to a cheater, stealer and liar. Well, it’s a fact that the IMPEACHMENT lost in the congress somehow. She’s to slap us with all “HUMILITY” that she never get what she wants (“…take your grievances to congress…” courtesy of Madame Fake President) and thus she’s too humble to rule and we lost. Well, it’s not humility after all. TOTAL AVOIDANCE.

Another is the right hand to grab more blood cash and perhaps to still have phone-pal moments with her beloved COMELEC Commissioner “Garci”. Actually, she isn't that corrupt, but the fact she earns TAXES a.k.a. blood cash out of being the so-called president of the Republic, I think it’s pure corruption in its best in the hands of an electoral cheater and a fraudulent president. Haven’t she realized that the more blood cash she gets, the more BLOOD her hands get. The more blood, the more “Karma” she has to pay. Not that I believe in Karma, but perhaps it’s a reflection of the Bible’s Golden Rule. Do unto others what you want other to do unto you. The blood represents people, she bares the people of what they paid in the tax, and if she ever has to pay – her blood is “insufficient in form and substance.” Why doesn’t she pay as early as now, to at least lessen in what she has to pay more – RESIGN! Do not let more people waste sweat and blood to kick her out of her lair. If she resigns, then she might at least atone for what she’s done. IT’S ALSO FOR HER GOOD, YOU KNOW. She isn't really a loser, in fact, she saves herself from total humiliation and thus prove that she LOVES this nation – as what she will present in the UNITED NATION’S SECURITY COUNCIL – that she LOVES us very much! I will even shake hands with her if she do that – to congratulate that she’s done the right thing.

And now that she’s nearing to UN Security Council Meeting, what hands shall she show? (if I see a different hand, she might be Shiva!)

1 educated opinion/s:

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