
Uy nagtampo

Friday, October 10, 2008

Well, I hope not. I'll be frequenting the blogging business in quite a while because I had a work that concerns about blogs. Well, not maintaining one, rather contributing to one. I will not elaborate fully what my work is but what I know, I'm having extra cash and that is good. Plus that the topics I am going to write about is GADGETS. You know me all giddy about gadgets right? Seems like my obsession can be my profession. Ahehehehehehe, of course this is only short term, but I hope to do well here, and of course gain experience (parang RPG lang eh) and hopefully this would help to build my career in the future, I mean, that would be ubergreat right?

To more and more blogs!
*Still wishing blogging has a grade in school*

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