Friday, September 05, 2008
As I try to walk out of the mall, still stressed, got a lil' sleep in the couch at the mall, feeling dizzy and all that, I found myself sniffing the aroma of my favorite beverage and make a hundred and eighty degree turn to my favorite place on earth. I found solace in sipping a shot of espresso on a bed of caramel and cream and I concluded to just move on. I cannot think more of it and I just viewed it as one effin' moment where you are allow to freak out everytime it happens. Damn it!
I mean it sucks, being a victim the second CONSECUTIVE time around, I should be
under trauma or should developed a phobia, but I should not. I mean it's just stuff that I should be letting it pass, I am just having a bad time that's all. Truth is, kinda depressed here and frustrated. I want it to be reversed. I want revenge. I want to take back what's done. I want to turn back time. I want it to end.
But as I went out the mall, walked a good mile or two, it just occurred to me, I am just the damn like them when I do that. I walked happy and rode the jeep to the jam and let it all breathe out of my system.
They surely will have their rewards.
[freaking scammed]
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