
DARNA and Life’s Hurting Truth…

Tuesday, September 20, 2005

Life depicted in limelight is fab and glam. Darna just proved she’s different.

Tonight’s episode of Darna flung me as I see it as an illogical television show. However, it redeemed itself somehow just this night. Life’s hurting truth was at last depicted in the idiot box, the one I’ve been looking for. Hey, even if I am addicted watching TV, I choose programs (perhaps deleting the word idiot from the aforementioned words!)

One’s greatest enemy is himself (in Darna’s case, herself.)

Although presented in allegory, Darna’s innerself literally divided – the good and the sinister Darna. After which, the evil one attacked her counterpart. Maybe tired of punching and kicking and slapping and physically hurting each other, good ol’ Darna requested the other to stop, emphasizing that evil Darna should not exist, should not be born but is born because of hurt feelings and grievances. Turning the tables, the evil reflected the request with the story why she exists. The pains, the thoughts that evoke her, the reality that she really exists could never be denied. While she pointed out the instance of why she was born out of the other, Darna interferes. She couldn’t bear to listen anymore.

Realizing that her enemy is herself – they have the same powers, the same strengths, the same weaknesses, the same thoughts, the same secrets. We all know that what we know and what we hide can be something of use against us. That could never be wronged. But, what if what’s inside you attacks you and there’s no chance of winning. How would you win with a person that you created, you bore out of your mind; the one you created so finely that you yourself, the maker, can’t even eradicate. After we developed ourselves, chiseling every edge of our abilities to be of better to everyone else, it will prove futile when we face the greatest enemy of all – none other than what you think.

We always glare at the devil when something bad happens to us. When we lose our jobs, we call our bosses the infamous demonyo; when your sons go to drugs or something bad, you call them demonyito; and when someone did something unforgivably and terribly wrong, the police longs for their presence behind the bars, they say their under the possession of the devil. I feel pity of the devil. While he is incapable of doing anything to you but suggest thoughts, we oftentimes put the blame on him. He suggests we do. So what did he do? He actually did nothing but to pester you, but YOU do the wrong, its your enemy – YOU!

Not that I defend the one being responsible for the fall of man, but isn't it quite awkward when we always says it’s the devil’s work. Why would he do it to us while he knows Christ died for us and saved us already? Of course, he could do nothing but to tell you what to do, it’s your responsibility to shut your ears and avoid it. But what do we do… we go to his lair, lavish SIN and tell everyone that he’s in control. HECK! We are in control… God gave us free will thus, no one could ever decide for us and do things for us but none other than OURSELVES.

We can never blame anyone for anything that happens to us. We make our future. We can never tell that we never chose to do this and that because it’s our free will that takes place. We decide always. If anything happens to you… IT IS ALWAYS YOUR FAULT. Never did anyone fault anyone’s future.

Are you mature and person enough to shoulder what you do? Think first.

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